
Elon Musk says he’s ready for his arrest as Tesla factory reopens against local order

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the richest of them all? You may be imagining Jeff Bezos admiring his unmatched account, but no. This is our good old Elon Musk daydreaming about a fortune that may never come. You may think this is only busy tweeting about his newborn X Æ A-12 (yes that is his name and yes, I will be explaining it), but you are also mistaken about that. Elon, the world’s number one multitasker, also happens to be filing a lawsuit against the Alameda County south of San Francisco. Quite American isn’t it? Why, you may ask? It is because he decided to defy the law and open his plant.

Do you like timelines? I love timelines. So, let us begin where all of this started. The birth of the one and only Elon Musk. I am just kidding. The whole ordeal started when Covid-19 decided to hit the U.S. The golden state was the first to enter lockdown and issued stay-at-home orders on March 20th. At the time, the state stood at 900 confirmed Corona virus cases. It is worth noting that the U.S had a testing scarcity back then. All unnecessary businesses were expected to comply with this order to protect the public welfare.

Tesla’s only U.S vehicle manufacturing plant was consequently shut down and only a few people were given the permission to show up. This of course, was a huge inconvenience for the mogul and you may think it would cause money to be lost. The stock of Tesla actually got a 73% increase around mid-April causing everyone’s jaw to drop. This is mainly due to the fact that Tesla is still selling through its online services which is not available for other companies. It is also not losing cautious clients as their usual clientele is well-off. This is according to MSN news.

Meanwhile, Musk and his wife, singer Grimes, were witnessing a life-changing event. Their baby boy was finally born on May 5 th and Elon posted a tweet mentioning the baby’s name. X Æ A-12 came to our world. And YES, that is indeed the name. The baby boy soon gained fame thanks to that and his mommy posted an explanation.

“”X” stood for “the unknown variable,” while Æ — AI — was shorthand for artificial intelligence and translates to “love” in several languages.”

“A-12 = precursor to SR-17 (our favorite aircraft). No weapons, no defenses, just speed. Great in battle, but non-violent,” she added. Although Musk later corrected his partner, saying it was actually “SR-71.”

You would think the parents would too busy caring for the baby just like any other poor person. But the good old Elon would not be this rich if he stopped hustling. He decided to become the next twitter star and went on a tweet streak. Asking to ‘Free America now’ and calling the lockdown order fascist. This was after Alameda chose to keep the stay-at-home orders forcing the plant to stay shut and simply watch the rest of California go back to normal life, to some degree. This was a threat to the company as other manufacturers and competitors went back to normal putting Tesla on the spot.

As the good American that he is, Elon decided to sue Alameda for going against California governor orders and also for being ignorant. This came along with a claim that the company should be considered an essential business. The county planned to allow Tesla to reopen around May 31st . But it was not enough. This pushed Musk to threaten to leave California and move his plant elsewhere which would cause a lot of damage if you ask me. Our friend is helping Cali’s economy after all. The question will always remain standing. Is it right to take people’s freedoms for the bigger greater good?

Musk needed to reopen since the plants that make batteries were in opened parts of America. So, he simply opened the gates to the company on the weekend in defiance of all orders from Alameda. As you could easily tell, this is very illegal which pushed Elon to tweet saying it is his responsibility and that he is willing to get punished. He wants to be the only one going under the tough consequences of breaking law. Which is chivalrous if you ask me

This was not met with cheers from a lot of people as former labor secretary Robert Reich tweeted that callous employee-unempathetic billionaires should not be telling us what to do. He was not alone. State senator Lorena Gonzalez also saw this is in a negative light. The company happens to be notorious for banning unions and not being safe. One Forbes report that went over a certain period of time showed that the risk at the plant was two and a half times bigger than that of 10 others combined. This renders it even more dire for the company to argue about being closed.

Donald Trump, the American president, tweeted on the subject asking the state of California to allow Tesla to perform its business normally since he is an advocate for opening the economy. As all fairytales, this did have a happy ending. Alameda county finally allowed Tesla to function and asked it to comply to some required safety measures that include sticking to minimum operations and making sure extra work health measures are put in place. They said Tesla could open as soon as next week which would be the 18th . Health officials from the county said the police department will investigate that measures are being taken. Needless to say, Tesla already opened

As the world reopens its gates, we can at least say that what Tesla did might have borderline harmless health impacts but will leave us wondering about what it really means to be living here… Where does freedom end and human rights start?

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